Description:- Triple H vs randy orton (wwe championship), Edge vs bigshow vs john cena(world heavyweight championship),shawn michaels vs the undertaker (undefeated streak on the line), matt hardy vs jeff hardy (brother vs brother extreme rules match), cm punk vs kane vs mark henry vs mvp vs shelton benjamin vs finlay vs christian vs kofi kingston(money in the bank ladder match), chris jericho vs "rowdy" roddy piper,ricky"the dragon"steamboat&jimmy"superfly", snuka 25 divas battle royal for the first ever "miss wrestlemania", john "bradshaw" layfield vs rey mysterio(intercontinental championship).

About the video:-This is the full video of wrestlemania 25th anniversery. It is divided in three parts click on the links below to download. This video is brought to you by roshan.mobie.in

SOURCE:- vcd
SIZE:- 121mb
Wrestlemania 25 part 1
Wrestlemania 25 part 2
Wrestlemania 25 part 3
Download here with 4shared.com links
Wrestlemania 25 part 1
Wrestlemania 25 part 2
Wrestlemania 25 part 3

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